San Leandro High School 


(Home of the Pirates)


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The purpose of the musical performance is to serve others through presentations of art. The purpose of the music education is to serve the music student with abilities and character traits that extend far beyond the music classroom. Students who are involved in music score higher on state tests, and are consistently some of the most successful students in their school and after high school. Through teamwork, accountability, responsibility, dedication, and hard work, students will learn how to better serve their community, school, and world through music. Students will learn mastery of an instrument, how to read music notation at a high level, music theory, music history, music production, and learn various musical styles. Our hope in the San Leandro High School Band Program is that  students will learn to appreciate music and music education for their lifetime regardless of their post high school decisions.

What we've done

We have strived for greatness in the band program. The ensembles has participated in different event around and outside the Bay Area, California. Events they had participated are:

Wind Ensemble: 

Chabot's Wind Ensemble Concert, Music in the Parks (Disneyland),  Great America's Music in the Parks & Amador Valley Music Festival

Jazz Band: 

Santa Cruz Jazz Festival, Northgate Jazz Festival, & Amador Valley Music Festival

Marching Band & Color Guard:

Foothill Band Review, San Francisco Fleet Week, San Leandro Night (Golden State Warriors), Napa Valley Band Review, San Leandro's Cherry Festival, City of San Leandro's 150th Anniversary,  & Music in the Parks (Disneyland & Great America).

 Weekly Calendar